We realize that your time is valuable, so our web-based program is designed to minimize the time that you spend doing payroll tasks such asaccounting and processing. By using our phone time clock system, you can save time and money in other areas also:

  • accurate time cards – if you currently use manual time cards, they may be costing you thousands of dollars per year in extra labor expenses.  Every second counts, so more accurate time cards means less overall payroll expense.
       ( Many of our customers save enough money in this area to pay for the service.)    
  • reduced overtime – since the Chronotek System allows you to see your time as it happens, you are able to adjust your schedule to prevent overtime.  Even if you don’t normally pay overtime, you are able to track labor expenses as they are happening so that you can manage them.
  • easier payroll administration – with the Chronotek System, payroll becomes a snap.  Just print your time cards from the web page when you are ready, 24 hours a day from any web browser.